Hunters Hill LEP and DCP Review
Update: 29 April 2024
Council has prepared a Planning Proposal in relation to proposed amendments to the Hunters Hill Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP). The Planning Proposal does not seek to enact any specific type of development or to rezone land. It seeks to amend anomalies and errors, improve the ability to interpret the LEP and facilitate the protection and enhancement of the environment, character and heritage of the Municipality.
This LEP amendment is being progressed concurrently with a review of the Hunters Hill Development Control Plan 2013 (DCP). This DCP review would seek to simplify the structure of the DCP, rectify anomalies within the document and better reflect and support the provisions of the LEP and relevant NSW Government legislation, guidelines and policies.
At its Ordinary Meeting of 29 Apr 2024 Council Resolved:
1. That Council supports the recommendations set out below:
(A) Forward the Planning Proposal included as Attachment 1 of this report to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure seeking a Gateway Determination in accordance with section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to amend Hunters Hill Local Environmental Plan 2012.
(B) Subject to (A) above, advise the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure that Council will be seeking to be authorised as the Local Plan Making Authority.
(C) Subject to (A) above, Council endorse for public exhibition the Planning Proposal as outlined in (A).
(D) Note that following public exhibition, the Planning Proposal would be reported back to Council detailing the outcome of the public exhibition period at which time Council may resolve:
(1) To proceed with the Planning Proposal as exhibited.
(2) To proceed with amended controls in the Planning Proposal to that exhibited.
(3) To not proceed with the Planning Proposal.
(E) Delegate authority to the General Manager to make amendments to the Planning Proposal that:
(1) Are minor and do not alter the intent of the Planning Proposal; or
(2) Are required in order to comply with the Gateway Determination.
Council will now refer the Planning Proposal to the NSW Government seeking a Gateway Determination (approval to proceed to the next stage in the planning proposal process).
Council intends to undertake additional formal community consultation in relation to the LEP and DCP review following a Gateway Determination being issued, in accordance with any relevant conditions of the Gateway Determination.
Council will continue to keep the community informed at the key stages in this process.
Update: 23 October 2023
At it’s October Ordinary Meeting, Council was presented with a report on the status of the LEP and DCP review.
Following consideration of the report, Council resolved:
- That the report be received and noted.
- That Council note community feedback received in relation to the review of the LEP and DCP and thank those in the community who have provided feedback.
- That the Hunters Hill Municipality – Character Study Recommendations report prepared by Paul Davies, June 2021 (included as an attachment to this report) be adopted.
- That the attached Scoping Proposal be made available on Council’s website and by correspondence to all previous registered stakeholders for 14 days.
- That, as a result of any feedback, recommended variations to the scoping proposal be added before being brought back to the November meeting of Council for endorsement and referral to the Department of Planning and Environment.
- That Council’s website be updated to reflect the next steps and future opportunities for consultation before the Planning Proposal is submitted.
In accordance with point 4 of the above resolution, Council invites the community to comment and provide feedback on the LEP scoping proposal before close of business on Tuesday, 7 November 2023.
Council has been working with the community on a proposed review of the Hunters Hill Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Hunters Hill Development Control Plan (DCP).
The objectives for the current LEP and DCP review are to:
- Ensure the LEP and DCP are aligned with other relevant principals, strategies and plans.
- Amend ‘land use tables’ in the LEP to reflect actual and potential future uses of land within the Hunters Hill municipality.
- Amend ‘land use tables’ in the LEP to include additional land uses that are complimentary to certain land use zones.
- Remove specific land use listings in the LEP that are not required or not compatible with existing land uses.
- Improve battle axe block subdivision outcomes.
- Clarify and strengthen the provisions of the LEP and DCP to better achieve plan objectives.
- Amend clear heritage listing anomalies and errors.
- Specifically, in relation to the DCP, to restructure the document to make it easier to understand and administer.