What is the Community Strategic Plan (10-year Plan)
The Community Strategic Plan is the highest-level plan that Council will prepare. The purpose of the Plan is to identify the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and to plan strategies for achieving these goals.
In doing this, the planning process will consider the issues and pressures that may affect the community and the level of resources that will realistically be available to achieve the community’s aims and aspirations.
To be placed on public exhibition by April 2025 and be adopted by Council by 30 June 2025.
What is the Delivery Program (4-year plan)
The Delivery Program is designed as the single point of reference for all principal activities undertaken by Council during its term of office. All plans, projects, activities and funding allocations must be directly linked to this Program.
Supporting the Delivery Program are annual Operational Plans. These spell out the details of the Delivery Program – the individual projects and actions that will be undertaken in that year to achieve the commitments made in the Delivery Program.
To be placed on public exhibition by April 2025 and be adopted by Council by 30 June 2025.
What is the resourcing Strategy (informs the Delivery Program)?
The Resourcing Strategy consists of 3 documents; Long-Term Financial Plan, Workforce Management Strategy, and an Asset Management Plan.
The Resourcing Strategy focuses in detail on matters that are the responsibility of Council and considers, in general terms, matters that are the responsibility of others. The Resourcing Strategy articulates how Council will allocate resources to deliver the objectives under its responsibility.
To be placed on public exhibition by April 2025 and be adopted by Council by 30 June 2025.
What is the Operational Plan (one year plan)?
The Operational Plan is a one-year plan that spells out the detail of the Delivery Program, identifying the individual projects and activities that will be undertaken in a specific financial year to achieve the commitments made in the four-year Delivery Program.
The Operational Plan must include Council’s detailed annual budget, along with Council’s Statement of Revenue Policy, which includes the proposed rates, fees and charges for that financial year.
To be placed on public exhibition by April 2025 and be adopted by Council by 30 June 2025.